Nadav Chen


CEO of Laniado Hospital at Zans Medical Center, Netanya, Israel - an academic affiliate of the Technion School of Medicine.

Laniado Hospital was founded by The Grand Rabbi of Klausenberg a holocost survivor, serves as the only medical center for a growing population of 400,000 people in the city of Netanya and surrounding suburbs. The Laniado Hospital supports BioGenCell as part of its activities to promote innovative medical research projects whose ultimate purpose is the improvement in patient care and outcomes. Mr. Chen has global business as well as healthcare management experience. His first positions were in US high-tech companies and for the last two decades he dedicated his work to sick people while promotin innovative solutions and gaining extensive experience in managing health systems. Prior to managing the Laniado hospital, Mr. Chen was the CEO of Asia Medical Assuta served as deputy director of Maayanei Yeshua Medical Center.

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